Code of conduct volunteers/employees Fast Lane Ukraine

Confidential advisor

Anke van Donkersgoed -

Boundaries in the contact between volunteers/employees of the activities of Fast Lane Ukraine and those they help do not always have to be unambiguous but are important. To provide clarity about our starting points and to meet the conditions set by other organizations we work with, we have drawn up this code of conduct. 

One refugee may like a pat on the head or a hug, another may not like to be touched. We can never agree on exact boundaries that apply to everyone in all situations. But there is one very clear boundary and that is the boundary that sexual acts and contacts between volunteers/staff, refugees and minors that we help, are absolutely inadmissible!

The code of conduct consists of two parts: 

rules that contribute to an open, transparent and safe environment for children, refugees and volunteers 

and the description of sexually transgressive behaviour which is the starting point of the disciplinary and sanctioning policy applied by the organisation. 

When you come to work for us, as a volunteer, intern or as a paid employee, we ask you to sign this code of conduct. By doing so, you declare that you know the code of conduct and will act in accordance with it.

The rules of conduct for volunteers/employees:

1. The volunteer/employee must provide an environment and an atmosphere in which the refugee and/or minor feels safe and respected.

2. The volunteer/employee shall refrain from treating the refugee and/or minor in a manner that damages their dignity.

3. The volunteer/assistant shall not penetrate further into the private life of the refugee and/or minor than is functionally necessary.

4. The volunteer/employee shall refrain from any form of sexual approach and abuse towards the refugee and/or minor. All sexual acts, actions, contacts and relationships between the volunteer/employee and the refugee and/or minor are under no circumstances permissible and shall be considered as sexually transgressive behaviour.

5. The volunteer/employee may not touch the refugee and/or minor in such a manner that this touch can reasonably be expected to be experienced as sexual or erotic in nature.

6. The volunteer/employee will, during travel, etc., treat the refugee and/or minor and the areas in which they are present, such as the dressing room or hotel room, with great restraint and respect.

7. The volunteer/employee has a duty to protect the refugee and/or minor to the best of his/her ability against forms of unequal treatment and sexually transgressive behaviour and will actively ensure that the code of conduct is observed by everyone involved with the refugee and/or minor.

8. If the volunteer/employee observes behaviour that is not in accordance with this Code of Conduct and in case of suspicion of sexually transgressive behaviour, they are obliged to report it to the persons designated by the Board for that purpose.

9. The volunteer/employee will not receive or give any (im)material compensation that is not within reason.

10. In cases where the code of conduct does not (directly) provide, or in case of doubt about the permissibility of certain conduct, it is within the responsibility of the volunteer/employee to act in the spirit of the code of conduct and if necessary to contact a person designated by the Board.

Definition of sexually transgressive behaviour with minors and sanction policy

By sexually transgressive behaviour we mean: Any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical behaviour with a sexual connotation (interpretation) that has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of the person, in particular when a threatening, hostile, insulting, humiliating or offensive situation is created and/or other acts or behaviours that are punishable under the Penal Code.

Behaviour that, according to the above description, falls under sexual transgressive behaviour, can be sanctioned by a disciplinary procedure in which both sides will be heard.

Sanctions consist of exclusion from voluntary work with minors for a short or longer period of time by including personal data in a central register. 

Sexually transgressive behaviour with refugees and/or minors that the board deems to be covered by the Penal Code, will be reported to the police / judicial authorities. 

This Code of Conduct has been established 23 March 2022 by the board of directors of the Fast Lane Ukraine Foundation