Let’s help.
We can do this together

Ukrainians need our help now. And we need to act fast.

That’s why we started the logistics support crew: Fast Lane Ukraine!
A platform with a social mission with the goal of coordinating volunteer drivers to deliver urgently required goods to the Ukrainian-Polish border and for their return journey connect them with refugees wanting to travel to the Netherlands.

From our warehouse in Amsterdam West, we organize special transports of urgently required supplies to established organizations in Poland, Romania & the Ukrainian border.

On the way back, we connect the drivers to refugees that require extra attention, especially to those for whom travel by train of airplane is not possible due to pregnancy, babies, medical conditions, etc.



The aim of the Foundation is to support the refugees in Ukraine in the broadest sense of the word, including the facilitation of transport of relief goods, or the transport of refugees and the related logistic activities, as well as accepting inheritances under the privilege of inventory and furthermore everything in the broadest sense related to the above, belonging to this and / or conducive to this.

The Foundation also gives direction to the broad social need among the Dutch population to express their support for refugees. It does this by means of:

  • Accepting donations in money 

  • Accepting donations of means, such as medicines, food and clothing

  • Facilitating those who register themselves as volunteers with a task within the organization: back office, planner, medical officer, translator

  • Facilitating those who volunteer as drivers by putting them in touch with refugees who require transportation

  • All this without any financial reward within the organization and for the board.

  • Aiming to spend 95% of the funds on direct aid and a maximum of 5% on administration and other costs

The Foundation was created to respond to an urgent humanitarian need. Because the program is started up quickly depending on this need, it is also taken into account that it can be scaled down again just like that. The planning is therefore very dependent on the degree to which the goals of the foundation are urgent and important at that time. 

Read here our full Policy